有興趣購買一些夏威夷綠豆(未烘烤的咖啡)嗎? 以下是賣家清單。 如果您有任何疑問(或者您是希望添加到清單中的賣家),請聯繫
如有其他問題,請發送電子郵件 至 contact@hawaiicoffeeassoc.org 或訪問 www.hawaiicoffeeassoc.org

聯繫人姓名 | 公司 | 地區 | 電話 | 電子郵件 | 可供出售 | 加工方法 | 筆記 |
Bruce Maryanoff | Absolute Palate LLC | Kona | 267.980.3512 | bmaryano@comcast.net | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Armando and Karina Rodriguez | Aloha Star Coffee Farms | Kona | 808.987.4918 | Sales@alohastarcoffee.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Natural, Honey | |
Barbara Anderson | Barbara Anderson | Kona | 410.956.2760 | barbara.anderson1@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs Organic | Washed, Natural | |
Terry Fitzgerald | Dakine Coffee Bean | Kona | 808.328.8716 | dakinecoffeebean@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Wet-hulled | |
Geraldine Ramos | DMCA Ka’u Coffee | Ka‘u | 808.731.6341 | geraldinear82@yahoo.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Mari Matsuoka | Good Harvest | Kona | 808.938.1053 | mari.netsu@yahoo.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Paul | Halai Hill Coffee and Cacao | Hawai‘i | 949.981.9163 | pcleveque@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Ralph Gaston | Isla Custom Coffees LLC | Ka‘u, Kona | 510.295.5838 | ralphgaston@islacoffees.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Natural, Yeast | |
Tony Tate | Ka’awaloa Trail Farm LLC | Kona | 917.697.4199 | Kaawaloatrailfarm@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Ferm 48 hrs; Sun dried | |
Louis Daniele | Ka’u Coffee Mill LLC | Ka‘u | 808.928.0550 | louis@kaucoffeemill.com | 10,000 - 50,000 lbs | Washed, Natural, Honey | |
Chris Manfredi | Ka’u Local Products LLC _ Ka’u Coffee Company LLC | Ka‘u | 808.929.9550 | cmanfredi@kaufarmandranch.com | 50,000 lbs and more | Washed | |
Ferrell Daste | Kona Hills | Kona | 831.917.3578 | ferrell@konahillsllc.com | 50,000 lbs and more | Washed | |
Judy Shuster | Kona Kaffee Farm | Kona | 412.398.3265 | Konakaffeefarm@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Wet-Hulled | |
Joshua Boranian | Kona Love Coffee | Kona | 808.443.8179 | Konalovecoffeeco@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | 90-91 pts CR. Small lots avail. |
Thomas Rayson | Kona Rays | Kona | 920.527.8817 | Thomchas77@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Wet-hulled | |
Matthew Follett | Konalicious Organic Coffee | Kona | 262.442.7588 | info@KonaliciousOrganicCoffee.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
John Koontz | Konaloha Farms | Kona | 707.832.8824 | john@konaloha.com | 1-5,000 lbs Prime & 3X only | Washed | |
Carol Okamura and Michael McMullen | MC Kona Farms | Kona | 573.999.6981 | konanokaoi288@gmail | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Frank Jordano | Michelle’s Kona Coffee | Kona | 808.258.2609 | frank@michelleskonacoffee.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed | |
Maria Miranda | Miranda Farms | Ka‘u | 808.936.3362 | Mirandafarms@yahoo.com | 5,000-10,000 lbs | Washed, Natural, Yeast | |
Franck Carisey | Uluwehi Coffee Farm | Kona | 808.464.5042 | info@uluwehicoffeefarm.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Yeast | |
Michelle Yamaguchi | Waialua Estate Coffee & Chocolate/Dole Food Company Inc. | O‘ahu | 808.372.6760 | michelle.yamaguchi@dole.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, Natural, Yeast, Honey | |
David Donald | Waimea Coffee Farm LLC | Hawai‘i | 808.937.9601 | info@hawaiianbluecoffee.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed, US Patent Pending | |
Alla Kostenko | Wood Valley Coffee Farm | Ka‘u | 206.799.1679 | alla.kostenko@gmail.com | 1-5,000 lbs | Washed |